5 Amazing Collector’s Editions That You Should See
Did you know that back in the day you could spend a small fortune on a game’s collector’s edition? And no, I’m not an eighty-year-old man that think $60 for a game is a lot of money or being hyperbolic. In 2013 Codemasters, developers of Grid 2, won a Guinness World Record for the “Most Expensive Video Game Commercially Available – Special Edition” with the announcement of the Bac Mono edition. This edition would’ve cost you almost $200,000 and included, among other things, a damn car. That has to be equal parts the most douchey and baller move I’ve ever heard. Luckily for everyone else on earth that couldn’t afford that midlife crisis, there are several amazing collector’s editions that you wouldn’t have to sacrifice a small child for. So today I’m going to give you five of the coolest collector’s editions ever made that, of course, don’t include cars.
Titanfall 2 Vanguard SRS Collector’s Edition

Titanfall 2 released in 2016 to a wave of critical praise for its precise and fluid gameplay as well as its outstanding story. The multiplayer was the best it had ever been and its campaign really showed players the depths of a pilot and titan’s bond. There are so many amazing things that could be said about this game but one is often overlooked and that’s its Vanguard SRS Collector’s Edition AKA the Series 2 Collector’s Edition. This treasure includes several velcro patches, Jack Cooper’s dog tags that double as a USB drive, a Vanguard Shemagh Scarf, and a few other sweet rewards. But the piece de resistance is its wearable replica helmet that boasts a light up visor, sound effects, and several “tactical helmet accessories.” Yet with all good things come some bad as well. While you could purchase this awesome collector’s edition for just $250 at launch – it now will cost you more than double on the resell market. It’s almost as if God doesn’t want me to be happy.
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Claptrap-In-A-Box Edition
Almost everyone loves the Borderlands series, but many absolutely despise its robotic companion Claptrap. So a special SKU of the game including a remote-controlled Claptrap was quite a surprise. As if this weren’t bad enough, there were two separate versions – one including the standard and another featuring a “Gentleman Claptrap” sporting a top hat, monocle, and sweet mustache. Yes, there are other things included in this collector’s edition such as an amazing steelbook case and twelve lithographs. But who cares about those when you have a F***ing remote controlled ClapTrap? The creepiest part of this is that you control him through an app on your phone that also includes a live video stream of what he sees. In our world of ups and downs and lies and deceit, only one thing is certain, this has to be spy tech at its finest. I expect him to be heavily featured in the next 007 installment.
Fallout 4: Pip-Boy Edition

Many Fallout fans might be annoyed that I didn’t include the Fallout 3: Survival Edition in this article and instead chose Fallout 4’s Pip-Boy Edition. While both include a replica Pip-Boy of different models, the one included in the Survival Edition is a clock. Where the Pip-Boy Edition includes a wearable replica that “fits most human hands” and has a slot for your phone, allowing the user to watch porn hands-free among other things. Now you can’t tell me that Bethesda didn’t change the life of all those who purchased this… and that’s the true spirit behind collecting.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Wizard’s Edition
This game has been the bane of my existence since its release in 2013. Not because of the game itself, which is absolutely magnificent and everyone should play it. But because I didn’t have the foresight to purchase its Wizard’s Edition when I had the chance. This collector’s box includes several sweet goodies for fans of the game such as some exclusive digital content and a Mr. Drippy plush that would brighten my soul immeasurably. Though I wouldn’t pay almost $400 for a plush alone, you also get a 300+ page hardcover wizard’s companion book. It’s safe to say that one day when I either win the lottery or fake my death for the life insurance money this will be my first purchase.
Dark Souls 3 Prestige Edition

This was not only the most expensive collector’s edition featured on this list when it released but also will cost you the most in the resale market, being $800 at release and averaging over $1,500 now. But damn, is it absolutely worth the money. Not only do you get the standard steelbook, soundtrack, and statue… you also receive a hardcover art book with art from all three Dark Souls games and an additional 40cm Lord of Cinder Resin Statue. Sadly, this edition of Dark Souls 3 was only sold overseas and never came to North America – at least not at a complete set that is. Shortly after releasing the Yhorm the Giant statue was sold through retailers such as Gamestop… but it’s just not the same. It was at this point in my life I realized that God truly hates me.
Of course, these aren’t the only amazing collector’s editions out there. Hell, these might not even be the best. But I love them and hope this article inspires at least one person to commit an elaborate jewelry heist in order to obtain one. Or, at the very least, save up enough money over the next eighty years to afford the collector’s edition that dethrones Grid 2’s Bac Mono Edition.