Why Devil May Cry V Matters

WARNING: Here there be Spoilers for pretty much every Devil May Cry game. There are problems in Devil May Cry 5. Whether it's external from the game, as a wider greater audience finding out that Reuben Langdon is a believer in recent

Botching, Bungling, and Debauchery

There are two decisions over the past two weeks that have brought to light the incredible lack of foresight from two parties that should have known better. They both have to do with a medium of content that is objectionable in the most

The Power of Apex

On February 4, 2019 the developers of Titanfall and Titanfall 2 presented a new side entry into the series. Except for a single Tweet from professional leakboi Rod Breslau, aka Slasher, which essentially detailed every aspect of the game,

Gamestop’s Bundle Bungle

On December 14, 2018 Kingdom Hearts fans were given an answer to a question that had been asked since E3 earlier that year: Is the U.S. getting the Limited Edition Kingdom Hearts 3 PS4 Pro bundle? The answer was yes and, to the excitement