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We Love the Deals!
The last couple years have been some of the best ever for the video game industry. Because of this there has been a plethora of games released and, if you’re like most people, there are a ton of games you still hope to play. Time and money…
Tetris Effect Willfully Snubbed For Game Awards Nomination
Talk to anyone who has played Tetris Effect and they’ll all tell you the same thing - “make sure you wear headphones when you play.” Why is this the first thing that comes to mind? Because the sound design is so euphorically mind blowing…
Are There Too Many Video Games Being Developed?
Say what you will about game crunch, but would a little extra time be the worst thing for a game currently? Rockstar may be at the center of this “issue,” but why do they even feel the need to rush these games out? Are we hurting for…
Why We Love Metroidvanias
A month or so back as I was loading up my Nintendo Switch with games to play during a much needed vacation to visit my parents in Florida, I took a chance on a little indie title called Hollow Knight. It was lowest on my priority list…
Mario Kart GP VR is a dream come true
Last year, Japan got the very first Nintendo VR game for arcades, Mario Kart GP VR. Just like the other Mario Kart arcade games, Bandai Namco developed this as well, but for their "VR Zone" arcades. Until earlier this month, there was no…
The Video Games Monsters That Scare Us Most
Videos games can be terrifying in ways that films and TV shows are incapable of because they put you in the shoes of the person making all the bad decisions and turn the threat of things that go bump in the night, personal. I remember the…
Nintendo Needs to Kill The 3DS
I haven’t traveled with my 3DS since Nintendo released the Switch nearly two years ago. I’m sure, like me, most of you prefer to travel with as little as possible and having to take more than one portable system with you can just be a…
Handsome & Humble: November Issue
Handsome & Humble is an ongoing series from Handsome Phantom about the games in the Humble Monthly Bundle. Humble Monthly is subscription service ($12 per month) from Humble that give subscribers a bundle of PC games each month. There…
Are Video Games Ruining Pro Sports?
Video games have become a part of the global zeitgeist and, as a result, you could imagine my surprise when I heard that the Vancouver Canucks had banned video games from team road trips. The ban was primarily based around the ever so…
Top Modes & Mechanics – Assassin’s Creed Series
Say what you will about series with annual releases - they cause franchise fatigue, they're usually rushed and buggy at launch, or they aren't fresh and unique enough from year to year. But given that Ubisoft rotates the development of the…