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Handsome & Humble: October Issue

Handsome & Humble: October Issue Handsome & Humble is an ongoing series from Handsome Phantom about the games in the Humble Monthly Bundle. Humble Monthly is subscription service ($12 per month) from Humble that gives subscribers a…

The Replay Value of God of War+

It's easy to forget God of War (2018) is barely five months old. Not only does spring seem to be forever ago, but the game became such an instant classic that it's hard to remember the world before it came out - in the long, long ago.…

Handsome & Humble: September Issue

Handsome & Humble is an ongoing series from Handsome Phantom about the games in the Humble Monthly Bundle. Humble Monthly is subscription service ($12 per month) from Humble that give subscribers a bundle of PC games each month. There…

For the Love of Jank

If the Naughty Dogs of the world have their way, the action in video games will become indistinguishable from real life with all those beautiful, individually crafted frames of animation blended and sanded down until the spaces between them…

Fortnite Saved the World

It’s no secret that Fortnite is the new hotness. Though the game is still in its infancy it has become a pop culture phenomenon. In time it’s not hard to see Fortnite praised in the same sentence as Star Wars and Harry Potter. Not only is…