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E3 Predictions (2018) – Bethesda

Bethesda rose from its humble, Where’s Waldo origins, to become one of gaming’s industry titans. This year’s E3 will continue the new tradition of Bethesda hosting its own mini-conference, affectionately called BE3. Rumors abound around…

Inside The VR Fitness Craze

This resurgence of VR, now backed up by enough processing power to live up to the failed promises of full immersion made in the 80s and then 90s, has been largely defined by software that requires the player to get physical; swinging their…

You Only Live Once

ALL THE THINGS THAT COULD’VE BEEN Choices. Who hasn’t looked at a pivotal moment in their life and wondered, “What if…?” What would have happened if I’d taken that job in Sacramento? What would my life be like if I’d settled down with my…