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Mega Man Returns In A Big Way

Retro gaming has returned with a vengeance in recent years. The NES Classic and Super NES Classic have both proven that these games can stand toe-to-toe with recent releases. When the Super NES Classic released it was the number one selling…

Platted That! – Horizon Zero Dawn

Presented Spoiler-free Platted That! is an ongoing series from Handsome Phantom giving gamers a review of unlocking the Platinum Trophy for PlayStation 4 titles. This week we’re looking at Horizon Zero Dawn, an exclusive title filled with…

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is Out Now!

It has been over five years since we received a proper Animal Crossing release when New Leaf landed on the 3DS in 2012 and nearly a decade since it released on a home console. At long last the newly announced mobile iteration, Pocket Camp,…

Why Can’t I Stop Playing Clash Royale?

I’m on my phone all day. It’s in my hand everywhere I go. Yours is too. That’s right, we know you take your phone in the bathroom so don’t deny it! With a device so constantly accessible, it’s pretty common for gamers like us to want to do…

Great Expansions: Blizzard Edition

Awhile back, the boys at Handsome Phantom were talking about their favorite DLCs. Mining my personal conversations for web content has become second nature, so I sat down to write about some of our personal favorites. The list got pretty…