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5 More Great Dogs In Gaming

Last February, in anticipation of the Chinese New Year, we did a quick list of some of our favorite dogs in gaming. The problem is, there are so, so many good boys (and girls) in video games and we love every single one of them. So, let’s

Top Special Edition Consoles

After what felt like a decade of development and numerous release date delays, Kingdom Hearts 3 finally released on Tuesday, January 29th. As with many major video game launches, this came alongside a special edition Kingdom Hearts themed

The Power of Apex

On February 4, 2019 the developers of Titanfall and Titanfall 2 presented a new side entry into the series. Except for a single Tweet from professional leakboi Rod Breslau, aka Slasher, which essentially detailed every aspect of the game,

Crackdown 3 – Dead on Arrival?

Crackdown 3 was first revealed to a crowd of excited onlookers at Microsoft's 2014 E3 Press Conference. Almost five years ago it was announced, and we're finally a mere two weeks away from this game finally being released. So then why are