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Help Handsome Phantom By Shopping On Amazon!
Do you do any shopping on We do! A ton in fact. We're Amazon Affiliates, and if you want to help good ol' Handsome Phantom out, click on our link before you make purchases on You'll pay the same dollar amount you…
Nintendo Introduces Labo and Changes Everything…Again
Forget toys to life. Nintendo just took it to the next level with games to life. Their new product, dubbed Labo, is a new cardboard DIY peripheral that kids can build and use to interact with their games. You read that correctly, Nintendo…
If you own an original PS3, you could claim up to $65 in a class action lawsuit.
If you own the original model of the PS3 (or lovingly called the "Fat PS3" ), you might have some dough coming your way. Worth up to $3.75 million dollars, the settlement is over the "Other OS" feature found in the original firmware. Sony…