Neo Cab – Review (PC)
The world is constantly changing. This is a fact that we are faced with every day. In the last 50 years we have seen more technological advances than any other period in history. With technology growing at such a rapid pace it’s easy to wonder if the machines will eventually control more of our day to day lives than humans do. We’ve already seen computers and robots take jobs from many different industries and that trend is far from over. Are machines more useful than humans? Are driverless cars safer than those piloted by humans since they cannot be distracted? These questions and more will be asked and possibly answered in Neo Cab.
Neo Cab is a narrative game that puts you in the shoes of Lina, one of the last human drivers for hire in a world overrun by technology. The biggest corporation in the world has monopolized nearly every aspect of daily life and soon hope to take humans out of the equation when it comes to driving. Lina has just moved to the big city of Los Ojos to live with her best friend who she hasn’t in seen in quite some time. Shortly after her arrival her friend goes missing and it’s up to Lina to not only find her but figure out what the hell Capra is actually up to.

Similar to this year’s other indie cab simulator, Night Call, most of the game takes place inside your cab as you talk to strangers in an attempt to unlock the mysteries of Los Ojos. Unlike Night Call’s more black and white noir backdrop, Neo Cab is set in a futuristic world full of life and color. Neon lights flash on every corner and even the people that populate the world are just as flashy as the city they inhabit. Most of them are wearing some sort of technology on their body, even down to their makeup. The one thing they all have in common is how connected they are by the major corporation that runs not only Los Ojos, but most of the world. If you don’t currently work for Capra, you did at one point or will in the future if they have their way.
Our story sets you out at night trying to not only find your friend Savy, but has you meeting characters that inform you that Capra is trying to pass a law that will outlaw human drivers, basically eliminating your income. Having already lost your job once due to auto cars, you can’t bear to think of this happening again and will stop at nothing to try and keep this from happening.
Gameplay is fairly simple. You’ll sleep during the day and drive passengers around while most of the world is asleep. Your quota is 3 passengers each night. Often, you’ll want to get one more fare in before you call it a night in an attempt to learn as much as you can and earn a little extra coin. Coin is incredibly important. You have to be smart when picking a place to stay, finding a charge station and even choosing passengers. If you run out you’ll find yourself homeless and unable to drive your car. Simply put you’ll lose your job and the ability to find your friend.
From the front seat of your car you’ll lead the conversation where you want it to go. With one small twist. Savy gave you a bracelet that shines a different color based on your mood. So, with you literally wearing your heart on your sleeve, you’ll be forced to give replies to your passengers that are more in line with your mood. If you’re sad you can’t fake calm and collective so certain options in the conversation tree will be unavailable to you at that time. You’ll need to keep your star rating above 4.0 or else you’ll also lose your job.
You’re free from the beginning to pick up anyone that you want as you drive around Los Ojos. Whom you pick up and the conversations that you have with them will factor in as the game progresses. This will make you want to play through the story multiple times in order to see everything the game has to offer.

Can one person truly make a difference? Should we allow technology to take over so much of our daily lives? Do intimate conversations with strangers still matter? Neo Cab may not have all the answers to these questions, but they sure are asking some important questions. As we head towards a future that would look unrecognizable to generations that came before us one thing is certain, we cannot go through life alone. Everyone needs help from their friends and sometimes strangers as well.
Recommendation: Fans of narrative driven games will be easily sucked into the world of Neo Cab. With a strong cast of characters and a fascinating world to explore that looks as familiar as it does foreign it’s a fascinating story that won’t always go where you expect it to. Fans of Blade Runner and futuristic settings like that will love spending time with this game as well as those that love visual novels. If any of that speaks to you then you’ll love your time in Los Ojos.
Check out our Review Guide to see what we criteria we use to score games.
*Neo Cab was given to the reviewer by the publishing company but this fact did not alter the reviewer’s opinion*