Platted That! – Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure
Greetings and Salutations!
We know you’re out there, you fans of Colin Moriarty. No, not the scummy bartender from Fallout 3 – the former IGN writer, turned independent journalist and podcaster, turned (as of this week) a video game character. Twin Breaker is a classic breaker game wrapped in a sci-fi concept with plenty of fun to be had by yourself or with a friend. There’s also a pretty achievable Plat for your PS4 OR your PlayStation Vita. Let’s take a look at what you’re getting into with the first Sacred Symbols Platinum Trophy – or, as I like to call it – a SacPlat.
Pick a System, and a System
Two things to stress before getting into the weeds here. The two versions of this game have separate Platinum Trophies, despite having the same gameplay and same trophy set. So, if you’re looking to just unlock the Platinum, pick which system on which you’re going to grind. Personally, I chose to work on the Platinum on my PS4, but I really enjoy playing the game on the Vita. The digestible levels and breaker-style gameplay is perfect for my morning commute, or other parts of my day that I may need to be entertained for five to fifteen minutes between one and three times a day.

If you’re playing on the PS4, feel free to plug in another controller and play the game with a pal. To be honest, I enjoyed the game much more with a second player. I have, what I like to call, dumb hands, and controlling both breakers in multiple dimensions was very difficult for me. But with a bud, its a breeze!
Go Hard Immediately
Most of the trophies in Twin Breaker are pretty straight forward, but one of them you may want to get out of the way early on. “It Only Took a Day” requires beating all forty story levels in 24 hours. Set aside a session on your day off (you might have several in a row right now) and just bang through all the levels. The levels add some interesting twists, and you can see all the love for retro games on display here. After this, mopping up trophies will be fairly easy. You’ll probably have to replay levels multiple times, so for this, just get through them as fast as your little thumbs will allow.
Go for the High Score!
There are a ton of trophies related to grabbing various power-ups and using different mechanics. There’s also a collectible on every level associated with a higher score. Finally, achieving a high enough score gives you an S-Rank, which you need twenty of for the Platinum Trophy. Just focus on getting the collectibles in your second run-through, and the other trophies will pop naturally along the way.
If you are too good at the game, certain trophies requiring you to die or take on negative perks (like shrinking the breaker), may need a little more attention to unlock. There’s also a New Game Plus which you’ll need to complete.
The only other trophy that may prove difficult, is one which requires breaking all the bricks in one level with only one of the Twin Breaker ships. This can be done in one of the earlier, easier levels, as long as you’re willing to lose a couple lives in the process.
That’s pretty much it. A lot of the trophies will unlock just from repeated gameplay. If you’re a fan of Colin, I’m sure this is a game you’d love to support (and the price is incredibly reasonable). Colin Moriarty is a big trophy hunter (what’s his current count?), and it shows in Twin Breaker, which has an achievable, but just-challenging-enough Platinum Trophy. If you’re a fan of classic games, or some light science-fiction, you’ll find something here you like.