PlayStation Characters as PlayStation Buttons
As part of the 25th anniversary celebration, PlayStation recently released this Facebook post.
It’s pretty dumb.
I hate it.
And then I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I am clearly a cross button and, for some reason, my entire personality is wrapped up in this symbol. I totally understand the appeal of astrology, or Briggs-Meyer, or blood typing. I now know who I am because of this signifier. So because it’s fun and because it’s PlayStation, here are some PlayStation original characters and the buttons to which they correspond.
Square – Sir Galahad

Calling someone a square is my favorite anachronistic insult. But in this case, the characteristics (for better and worse) describe the stalwart leadership of Sir Galahad/Grayson from The Order 1886. When this title launched, it received mixed reviews for its quick time events and short campaign. However, the solid, spooky graphics and stellar world building made the title a memorable introduction to the PlayStation 4. With a new console generation around the corner, we wouldn’t be upset to see The Order return in a big way.
Triangle – Aloy
Aloy is one of my favorite protagonists in recent memory. This kind-hearted, fierce warrior’s journey of self-discovery was intriguing and left many wanting more. The world of Horizon Zero Dawn that Aloy explores is filled with mystery, political intrigue, and danger. That world called out for a ginger with a bow and penchant for hacking mechanical deer to bring peace and justice. Aloy’s complex character starts with great writing and is executed by terrific voice acting, but the branching dialogue choices allowed characters to fine-tune an Aloy that fit their mood. We’re sure we’ll see this triangle again soon, and I can’t wait.
Cross (Not X) – Nathan Drake

I know I said I view myself as a cross-type, so I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to claim one of PlayStation’s most iconic heroes. But Nathan Drake embodies the Cross lifestyle. The Uncharted games have become one of the defining franchises of PlayStation. When the first game launched twelve years ago, the Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider inspirations were obvious but not unwelcome. The franchise grew to outpace its ancestors in many ways, and Naughty Dog studios has become one of the most prestigious developers in the world. Whether they knew it or not at the time, Uncharted’s humble origins introduced us to the entire history to follow with one simple phrase in the first game: Sic parvis magna. Greatness from small beginnings.
Circle – Sindri
On the surface, the characteristics of a circle seem really negative. Who would want to be friends with a low-key, evasive, guarded flake? I remember thinking the same thing when meeting Sindri in God of War, way back in 2018. He was annoying, he was always bailing on me, and he was reluctant to help. But as the game progressed, and I got to know Sindri and his foul-mouthed brother, I came to look forward to seeing them in the wilderness, and hoping to reunite the team that crafted Mjolnir. God of War was an incredible game for a lot of reasons, one of the most being its engaging and well-crafted characters – including Sindri, my favorite low-key flake.
Anyways, that’s what I did with my time today. As silly as it is, it was kind of fun to take a second and reflect on some of my favorite PlayStation characters. The problem is, there’s so many great ones. If you think of a perfect Circle or Triangle character, let us know on Twitter! We love hearing from readers (including and especially the angry ones).
Be sure to check out our favorite video game outfits or our early access gameplay of WRATH: Aeon of Ruin!