The once Occulus exclusive, SUPERHOT VR, is now available on Playstation VR. This comes to the delight of not only fans of the original title, but also to PSVR owners who have been following the PC VR scene. SUPERHOT VR has been touted as one of the best VR titles to hit the platform for its unique take on the VR FPS genre.

Despite being an overall short experience, difficulty can be off-putting at times. The core issue lies in the format of levels. In order to progress, the player must beat a sequence of around 5 or so scenarios. If you die during the sequence, you must restart from the beginning of that sequence. The first few levels felt great, and progressed difficultly at a steady pace. The repetition even felt good at first, as you learn the best strategies to handle each scenario. Later levels could be extremely frustrating though, as the last scenario in a sequence could be much harder than the ones before it causing you to repeat the same scenarios over and over.
Recommendation: SUPERHOT VR, despite some of it’s tracking and difficulty issues, is an absolute must play. It’s the most innovative VR shooter we’ve played! Even if you don’t own a VR headset to play this game, find a friend who does and ask nicely if you can play it (and make sure they’re okay with you getting a little sweaty in their headset). It’s not only about how fun the game is, but also about how it makes you feel. And trust us, it makes you feel super cool.
For coverage of SUPERHOT PS4, check out this review.
*Full Disclosure – We were given a copy of SUPERHOT PSVR by the PR company for the game. This did not influence the reviewer’s comments or opinions in any way.*