The Next-Gen Survival Guide for Those Without a PS5
We’re less than a month away from the release of the PlayStation 5 and I personally couldn’t be more excited.
Well, maybe a little bit more. I actually don’t have a console secured for myself. If you’re like me, one of those scavengers ready to comb the carcasses of brick and mortar retailers in hopes of a console come release day, this guide is for when you inevitably give up.
Welcome to The Gamer’s Guide to Surviving Next-Gen FOMO
The first thing is to not panic. That’s essential if you’re going to make it through this tough time. Take a deep breath and look at the launch lineup. Internalize the fact that there aren’t that many next-gen exclusives coming this fall.
Unless you’re a major Soulsbourne aficionado, I would say the most anticipated game releasing alongside the PS5 is Insomniac’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Assumed to be an interstitial title while the proper sequel to 2018’s Spider-Man is under development, Miles is also coming to the PlayStation 4. While it’s sure to be a reduced version in comparison to the next generation release, I would guess that if you’re still spending time swinging around the original game’s Manhattan, you’ll be fine with this new adventure on PS4. Compromises we can expect include a lower resolution, probable lock to 30FPS, longer loading times, and no ray-tracing. That might sound bad when listed out with no breaks, but hey, you’ve already dealt with it for the past seven years. What’s a few more months?
Now you’ve come to terms with the current situation. You have access to the new Spider-Man & even Sackboy: A Big Adventure as well. What else is there to get hyped for on the old systems? You’re in luck. The gaming industry has been hyping up the release of Cyberpunk 2077 since its initial unveiling way back in 2012. Now it’s finally releasing with a landing not unlike a meteor crashing into earth, promising everything to gamers who make the $60 dive. Many games releasing this fall like Cyberpunk are also promising performance patches for when you do eventually upgrade to the new consoles. Other notable titles providing upgrades include The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (also made by CD Projekt Red), Borderlands 3, Destiny 2, Marvel’s Avengers and even the previously mentioned Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Some games will charge you more for the proper “next-gen version” with performance upgrades like Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, but do not let yourself go back into panic mode. You’ll still be able to play your original PS4 copy on a PS5 without paying extra.
Maybe you want to be more deliberate with your spending and save the full price purchases for when you finally do secure that PS5. With that mindset, I’d suggest delving backwards into the PS4’s already expansive catalog. You could catch up on blockbuster titles you possibly missed like 2018’s God of War or jump into a title you never thought of… possibly from the large PS+ backlog you’re likely to have if you’re reading this article. Pick up a game that will consume every single, fleeting second of free time you have like Persona 5 Royal. Get ready for the next generation sequel with a game like Horizon: Zero Dawn. If you want my personal take, I would recommend utilizing this down time to experience smaller stories that left an impact on me. I’m talking about games like Firewatch, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, and the original Life is Strange.
As we reach the end of this guide and you’re still finding yourself bursting at the seams with FOMO, I would recommend going back again.
No, not into the backlog.
This time take that dusty old PS3 out of the closet, give it a soft kiss, and plug it into the wall.
As you scroll through the cross media bar, realize how much worse the current gaming experience could be.
You would be stuck with Bioshock at sub-HD resolution.
The PlayStation Network would be under threat of another attack.
LittleBigPlanet Racing would be the most hyped next first party release instead of something like Ghost of Tsushima.
Realize how lucky people like you and me are to be where we are now.
So enjoy your PS4 for what it has provided. Gaze upon all the trophies the both of you earned together. Think of all the discs spun and the slow march towards digital downloads. Savor every moment you can, because your precious PS4 will one day resemble that old, decrepit PS3 in the closet. Know that you can never return to this very minute as you cradle your console in your arms.
Spend all the time you can with your PS4 before new pallets of PS5s arrive from a foreign nation and that siren song of progress calls your name in just the right way.
Give the PS4 its due.
It truly was for the players.