The Sniper Elite VR Closed-Door Demo Hit Us Like A Bullet To The Head
Warning: Playing Sniper Elite VR may ruin sniping for you in any game you play after. While that’s only partially true, there is something so satisfying about using a sniper rifle in VR that it really is hard to imagine it being as satisfying in the future any other way.
We had the opportunity to play through the demo on both regular and hard mode during our demo and there is a lot to love about both.
Regular difficulty makes dying a lot more difficult, allowing you to really move from cover to cover sniping your enemy pretty simple. Our time with the game was spent on PSVR and using the Aim controller felt incredible. With a full range of motions you can choose between normal movement and teleportation. Anyone with experience in VR should opt for the normal movement because it felt great and caused little to no motion sickness. VR has come a long way and experiences like this feel like full games and not just fun modes to an already established game.

Taking out bad guys feels so good. While you have the ability to look down your scope at all times, pushing a button basically makes time freeze briefly – allowing you to really line up the perfect shot, which is something you’ll want to do as often as possible here. When you hit a vital body part on the enemy you’ll be rewarded with a slow motion kill cam shot that will show your bullet ripping through their head, heart, gut, and more as their lifeless body drops to the ground.
Playing the game on the hardest difficulty makes this even more enjoyable. The main differences between normal and hard lie in the amount of damage you can take before you die. Most importantly, while playing on hard you also have to factor in the wind. Lining up your shot in your scope will show you a meter displaying how the wind is blowing and you’ll have to adjust your shot accordingly. Few things feel better than lining up the perfect shot on the hardest difficulty and watching the kill cam show your bullet rip through their barely exposed head.
With no release date confirmed yet, Sniper Elite VR may be a little bit away still. But you’ll want to get your hands on this when it releases on your VR platform of choice.