Zombie Army 4: Dead War Closed Door Demo Unleashes the Undead
The Zombie Army franchise has come a long way from being a mere spinoff of the Sniper Elite games. After a trilogy of games were released between 2013 and 2015, the franchise had gone cold. Like the zombies that you kill, the series lost its heartbeat. All that changed when the fourth game in the series was announced at E3 2019. We had a closed door demo with the game and it did not disappoint.
Sniping has always been at the forefront of Zombie Army, which made perfect sense considering where the game got its start. However, this time around you’ll want to use your full arsenal in order to send the undead Nazi scum back to hell. Up to 4 players can work cooperatively as you make your way through the heavily infested streets to reach your objective. Ammo is a commodity here and you’ll want to make sure you refill your gun every chance you get.

For our playthrough we were working cooperatively with one other player and, while we made through to the end, the more players you have working together the easier it will be.
Sniping feels as good as ever and the slow motion kill cam footage is incredibly rewarding after completing a nice kill streak. When you have the high ground, this is the most satisfying way to take out your foes. Watching one bullet rip through multiple enemies is as rewarding as anything we’ve seen at this year’s show. When you’re in the thick of it though, machine and shotguns are the way to go. Something that allows you to fire at will a little more will help you part the zombies like the red sea.
If you find yourself down and bleeding out, string together some kills with your trusty pistol and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.
The ability to stomp on zombies is as much fun as it sounds. At one point I found myself on a train full of zombie bodies and had a blast just stomping on their undead heads.
Look for Zombie Army 4 to release early next year on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.